1. General

Our Commitment 

Cloudli Communications Corp. (the “Company”) is committed to identifying, removing and preventing barriers while achieving true accessibility through meeting or exceeding the requirements under the Accessible Canada Act (“ACA”) and its regulations. The Accessibility Plan (the “Plan”) outlines the steps the Company is taking to reach these important goals to create a workplace and environment where all can feel valued and respected. Also, the Plan communicates the importance of an organizational culture that supports accessibility and inclusion. The Plan, and related Accessibility Policies, were developed in concert with professional accessibility consultants, all of whom are persons with disabilities.   

It is the goal of the Company in this Plan to reflect the spirit of the ACA. A feedback process will be implemented enabling the Senior Management Team to respond to feedback regarding the manner in which the Company is implementing its Plan, and any barriers encountered or identified by the Company’s employees, applicants, candidates, stakeholders and the public. When an area of improvement has been suggested regarding accessibility, the appropriate representatives of the Company will review the information and make every effort to address the suggestion in a manner satisfactory to all parties, without causing undue hardship to the Company.   

The VP, IT and Customer Operations is designated to receive feedback on behalf of the Company with respect to accessibility matters and this Plan.  

The public is invited to communicate with the Company in one of the following ways:

  • Email: accessibility@cloudli.com
  • Mail: 1425 Boul. René-Lévesque Ouest, Suite 700, Montréal, Québec, H2G 1T7
  • Phone: 1-877-258-VOIP (8647) 

Alternatively, our Accessibility Feedback Form can be completed and submitted via this webpage.  



The ACA will be implemented in recognition of, and in accordance with, the following principles: 

  • All people must be treated with dignity, regardless of their disabilities.
  • All people must have the same opportunity to make for themselves the lives that they are able and wish to have, regardless of their disabilities. 
  • All people must have barrier-free access to full and equal participation in society, regardless of their disabilities. 
  • All people must have meaningful options and be free to make their own choices, with support if they desire, regardless of their disabilities.
  • Policies, programs, and structures will take into account the disabilities of people and the different ways that they interact with their environments. 
  • People with disabilities must be involved in the development and design of, policies, programs, services, and structures, and
  • The development and revision of accessibility standards and the making of regulations must be done with the objective of achieving the highest level of accessibility for persons with disabilities. 



Accessibility: The degree to which a product, service, program or environment is available to be accessed or used by all. 

Barrier means anything – including anything physical, architectural, technological, or attitudinal, anything that is based on information or communications or anything that is the result of a policy or a practice – that hinders the full and equal participation in society of people with an impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment of a functional limitation.  

Disability means any impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment – or a functional limitation – whether permanent, temporary or episodic in nature, evident or not, that, in interaction with a Barrier, hinders a person’s full and equal participation in society. 

Areas Described under Section 5 of the ACA 

The Company is committed to identifying and removing Barriers, and preventing new Barriers to persons with disabilities, in the following areas, as described in section 5 of the ACA: 

  1. Employment.
  2. The built environment. 
  3. Information and communication technologies (ICT).
  4. Communication, other than information and communication technologies.
  5. The procurement of goods, services and facilities. 
  6. The design and delivery of programs and services (if applicable); and 
  7. Transportation (if applicable). 

The following sections aim to describe how the Company will fulfill this commitment.  

a. Employment

The Company is dedicated to creating a culture of accessibility across the organization, including employment practices which are equitable and as accessible as possible.  

b. Built Environment 

The Company will ensure any modifications to their offices, and any other physical spaces owned or operated by the Company, will, at a minimum, meet the required accessibility building codes defined under any applicable regulations. This includes, but is not limited to, the Canadian Standards Association accessibility guidelines. These guidelines form the foundation of the assessment and rating process utilized by the Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification program and are widely recognized as the national standard.  

For any planned changes, the Company will consult directly with people with disabilities to discuss best practices and Barrier-free design relative to the physical environment. 

c. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) 
The Company is committed to ensuring that all new or refreshed content published on any ICT platforms owned or operated by the Company will meet or exceed the applicable accessibility standards of the ACA and its regulations. Specifically, the Company will take steps to meet all aspects of EN 301-549, which has been adopted by the Canadian Standards Association as the benchmark for accessible digital content in Canada. 

d. Communication, Other than ICT 

The Company will use accessible communication strategies to provide information for people with disabilities. Communication between the Company and its employees, stakeholders, clients and the general public will be conducted in a manner that takes into account a person’s Disability.   

Employees will work with the person with a Disability to discuss and identify the appropriate form of communication that best meets the needs of the individual. 

Alternate formats may include, for example:

  • Print
  • Large print
  • Braille
  • Audio
  • Electronic 

The Company will prioritize the use of plain language by minimizing acronyms and jargon to make its communication with the public more accessible. 

e. Procurement of Goods, Services and Facilities 

The Company will include potential accessibility needs during the procurement of goods, services and facilities, as required or is reasonably possible. Whenever practical and/or required, persons with disabilities will be consulted, either internally or externally, to determine what, if any, role accessibility may play in the procurement and/or acquisition of any goods, services or facilities attained by the Company. 

As a general practice, The Company routinely works with third-party partners in providing its services to clients. The Company is committed to promoting accessibility in its vetting and selection processes. 

f. Design and Delivery of Programs and Services 

The Company will take accessibility into consideration during the design and delivery of new or existing programs and services. From time to time, the Company will continue to consult with persons with disabilities to ensure any new or existing programs and services are designed and offered in a manner as accessible as possible. 

g. Transportation 

This section of the ACA does not currently apply to the Company’s operations. 


2. Consultations

The Company has partnered with Canadian Accessibility Professionals (CAP), an organization made up entirely of people with disabilities, to assist in the preparation of this Plan and related policies.  

Specifically, the following team members from CAP will continue to support the Company in its implementation of this Plan and associated actions and/or programs: 

Colin S. McCarthy is a Rick Hanson Foundation Accessibility Certified (RHFAC) Professional and has lived with a mobility disability for over 40 years. Kyle Rawn is a senior accessibility consultant and digital accessibility and assistive technology expert who has been blind his entire life. 

The Company will continue to consult with CAP in order to satisfy the requirement of consulting with persons with disabilities in the preparation of our progress reports, required under the ACA. 


3. Training

The Company will ensure current employees are trained under the requirements of the ACA and the Company’s related policies. New employees will be trained within three months of their start date.  

Employees will be trained on any changes or updates to this Plan and accessibility policies, practices and procedures as soon as practicable. 


4. Progress Reports

The Company will prepare and publish progress reports respecting the implementation of its Plan, as required by the ACA. Feedback received by the Company will be addressed in the progress reports, including how the feedback was taken into consideration. 


5. Accessibility Plan

The Company will review and update its published Plan every three years as required under the ACA. All employees and internal stakeholders will be informed of updates or changes to the Plan, and appropriate training will be provided if required. 

Feedback Form

Thank you for taking time to complete our Accessibility Feedback Form.

Cloudli is committed to reducing or removing the barriers that may impede people with disabilities from accessing our programs. We will review your feedback and if changes can be adopted without creating an undue hardship, action will be taken at the earliest opportunity. 

Cloudli Accessibility Feedback Form